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Posts from April 2019

If you’re starting a new retail business or, perhaps, expanding and taking on new business premises, you’ll have plenty to think about. One of the most important and exciting aspects is creating an impactful retail display that really showcases your products and resonates with your customers. The look and feel of your retail space will help define your brand, so you need to choose carefully. 

The Best Retail Displays 

Retail display furniture comes in many shapes and sizes and manufactured from a wide variety of different materials, from acrylic to aluminium and from steel to glass. However, there’s one material that triumphs over all others for visual appeal, value for money, and social and environmental credentials - and that’s FSC certified wood. 

What is FSC Certified Wood? 

FSC certified wood is harvested from forests that.. 
The UK’s farm shop sector is on an upward trajectory. Heightened consumer concern about health, environmental and welfare issues has resulted in increased interest in the provenance of the food we eat. More of us, it seems, are voting with our feet and shopping local. 
This is all great news for farm shop owners. But getting customers through the door is only one part of the challenge. Turning footfall into profit margins depends as much on creating the right shopping environment as offering the right produce – and that means creating a farm shop display that is visually appealing, as well as functional. 

5 Factors To Consider When Choosing Farm Shop Display Furniture... 

1. Visual Appeal: Rustic Display Shelving Hits The Mark 
Countless studies have proven the value of visual aesthetics in retail displays. Visual presentation not only gives retailers the opportunity to set their products apart as being different and special in comparison with alternative or similar products but, importantly, can make consumers less... 
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